
Altareth River Valley


The Altareth River Valley (ARV), with its rolling meadows, crystalline rivers, and ancient lore, has long been a sanctuary for the soul. The ARV Gorge, where the Altareth and Khyok Rivers dramatically meet, has inspired poets, philosophers, and spiritual seekers across the Firmament for millennia. Over the centuries, it has become more than a place—more than a geographical marvel—it has become legend. As beings of all species and beliefs descended on the ARV from all corners of the Firmament to marvel at the confluence of its natural wonders, they spoke of the “Jewel of the Alta Mountains,” a moniker that rings as true today as it did in the early days of Altareth City’s founding. But beneath this legendary tranquility, a storm—both literal and political—has been brewing.

The Calm Before the Storm

The ARV’s most prized asset, apart from its scenic beauty, has always been the periodic Shard storms—elusive yet ferocious natural phenomena that sweep through the Altareth River Valley Gorge every 200 to 300 standard years. These storms, as every schoolkid in the Firmament knows, give rise to Chaos Shards, highly volatile, near-mythical resources. Found on only a handful of planets, Chaos Shards are essential to both scientific discovery and Firmament-wide commerce. Altareth’s Shard harvesting grounds have traditionally been some of the most stable and well-defined, with the ARV Gorge being the glaring exception. The unpredictability of Shard storm cycles in the Gorge have only added to its myth.

It’s been 214 standard years since the last Shard storm swept through the ARV Gorge. The previous cycle, which lasted 27 years, resulted in some of the most profitable Shard harvesting in Altareth’s history, and that too at a time where Shard harvesting technology was in its infancy, with astronomical mortality rates. Since then, the Gorge has seen a quieter, more mundane role as a tourist haven, with the majestic amphitheater carved into the Gorge’s walls hosting musical performances and spiritual rituals for tens of thousands of spectators. The ARV Gorge became a destination not just for the elite but for anyone seeking a deeper connection to the universe—or, for that matter, a prime seat at a legendary concert.

Yet the ancient arches (often centerpieces of brilliantly choreographed concerts) and the runes carved into them served as a constant, grim reminder that it was only a matter of time before the serene beauty of the ARV Gorge would be torn apart by the next Shard Storm cycle.

Then, 32 months ago, that serenity was shattered by an announcement that would change the Valley’s trajectory forever.

Enter the New Shard Storm

Jak Camora, the tough and unflinching Altareth Union Boss, announced the imminent return of the ARV Gorge Shard storm, a natural event that had been forecasted by Firmament scientists for months. Anticipation rippled across the planet, as investors and industrialists alike braced for the revival of Altareth’s dormant Chaos Shard economy, which had been stagnant for decades as all existing Shard fields had been controlled by trade unions such as Padoccia and off-world commercial organizations from planets such as Prevarus. The Shard storm was expected to last at least 10 standard years, although some predict that it could even last longer than its predecessor. And then, the pirates came.

As if drawn by the scent of Chaos Shards, a fleet of six unidentified ships entered Altareth’s atmosphere on the same day as Camora’s announcement. Their origins were unknown, but their intentions, while not explicitly stated, were clear to those who understood the stakes: they were after the Shards.

In a scene fit for a Firmament-wide blockbuster, five of the pirate ships were apprehended following a high-speed chase by Altareth’s formidable Air Force. But one—the sixth—managed to evade capture. In a twist worthy of legend or conspiracy, as soon as that sixth ship reached the ARV Gorge, the first Shard storm in over two centuries began, transforming the airspace above the Gorge into a lethal maelstrom of energy. The pirate ship’s descent faltered, and it crashed into the heart of the Gorge. No survivors were found amidst the storm’s rage.

The legendary Gorge Amphitheater was destroyed, live on satellite feed, by the fourth Shard storm of the cycle. Anticipating the possibility of such an event, musicians from across the Firmament held a virtual concert to “celebrate” the end of the iconic concert venue as the amphitheater was ripped apart by the fourth Storm.

Questions remain: Who were these pirates? What were they after beyond the obvious? Altareth’s union bosses and the High Council remain tight-lipped, their silence doing little to calm an already anxious populace. Rumors swirl about secret alliances, hidden agendas, and the possibility of a deliberate attempt to destabilize the reemerging Shard economy.

The Chaos Broker Academy’s Windfall

With the Shard storm now raging in full force and the ARV Gorge indefinitely closed to the public, attention shifted from spectacle to opportunity. The economic stakes were immense. Who would be granted the coveted rights to harvest Chaos Shards during this storm?

Multiple trade unions, which are among the most powerful organizations in the Firmament, petitioned for the rights. Leading the charge was the Padoccia Trade Union with their partners the Xandrian High Repository, a cornerstone of the Altareth’s economy, followed closely by their rival Myakon Trade Union, and the typically reclusive Dagna Ro Trade Union. Even the High Councils of Massieu, Clausius, and Tsallis submitted requests. But in a decision that shocked many, the Altareth union bosses awarded the first-year exclusive harvesting rights to the Chaos Broker Academy.

The reason for this decision, both official and unofficial, included:

  • Incentivizing the creation of new Chaos Brokerage Houses established by Chaos Brokers graduating from the Chaos Academy.

  • Supporting the growth of the Chaos Academy in Altareth City, a significant boon to Altareth’s economy and trade prospects.

  • Training Chaos Agents and Brokers to deal with the environment of Shard-rich planets such as Vespersa, whose topography and climate the ARV Gorge during Shard storms.

  • (wink,wink) Currying favor with High Regent Dusana Altura and the High Council.

The Academy, renowned for its Chaos Broker training programs, had quickly emerged as a powerful political and economic entity since its recent inception. The Academy’s selection for the Shard harvesting rights raised more than a few eyebrows. Padoccia, for one, openly criticized the decision as anti-competitive, accusing the union bosses of caving to the political influence of the Academy and the High Council-particularly from High Regent Dusana Altura, a founding patron and Chair of the Academy.

While the official reason for the decision was to aid the seeding of new Chaos Brokerage Houses—a critical component of Firmament-wide trade—the political optics were impossible to ignore. The Chaos Broker Academy stood to gain unprecedented influence not just on Altareth but throughout the Firmament, all while benefiting from a heavily discounted one-year lease.

Pressure from trade unions, especially Padoccia, limited the lease to a single year rather than the five-year term initially expected. But now that year is nearly over, and the union bosses face a pivotal decision.

The Coming Bidding War

As the Shard storm continues to churn, and the first-year lease comes to an end, the decision looming over the Altareth union bosses is nothing short of monumental. Should the Chaos Broker Academy be granted a renewal at a favorable rate, or should the highly coveted rights be opened to the highest bidder?

The implications are enormous. The current Shard storm is expected to last for decades more, far longer than the brief windows of calm necessary for the safe harvesting of Shards. Whomever secures the next lease will control not just the resources of the ARV Gorge, but potentially the flow of Chaos Shards across the Firmament.

For Altareth, this decision will shape its economy, its politics, and its standing in the Firmament for generations. For the millions who once flocked to the ARV Gorge for spiritual solace or musical celebration, the future looks far more uncertain. The once tranquil Gorge has become ground zero for a conflict that blends corporate ambition, political power, and cosmic forces beyond comprehension.

The ARV’s Legacy

As the Shard storm rages on, so too does the battle for control over the future of Altareth—and, perhaps, the Firmament itself. The Red Sun News will continue to monitor the situation, bringing updates as the winds of chaos swirl ever faster. While the Altareth River Valley is now a battleground for Chaos Shards, its legacy as the “Jewel of the Alta Mountains” endures. In the shadow of this economic and political tempest, there are those who remember the ARV Gorge not for its resources, but for its beauty, for the peace it once offered. Whether that peace will ever return remains to be seen.

For now, the ARV waits, caught between chaos and calm, its future—and the future of the Firmament—hanging in the balance.